
Jumat, 04 Mei 2012

It Was 24th

Hey that is the 24 number picture in the beginning of my entry...yaaah that my age now ^_^
Happy birthday to me, actually my birthday was on 25 April and now i am 24 years old, soo i am already a woman now not more a girl, hehe..
In my birthday, i dont have a surprise or cake from my family, because in my family is not a habit to celebrate the anniversary and saying "happy birthday", but is not that mean my parents forgot about my birthday.

When in the morning on my birthday, my parents just saying that now i have been 24th years old, soo i must be take care in my life, i must be careless about all decision that i take with my self, and i must be more religious person, they hope that i can finish my bachelor degree this year, amiiin..
And how about my dhi?? like usual in the other year, he always become the first one who saying birthday for me, he say some pray for me, like wish me can be more religious, can be more a smart woman, and can be fast to finish my bachelor degree. Both of us just celebrate my birthday with eat ramen and katsu. I really like the situation like when we have eat together, we can share some stories, listening each other, arguing, and launghing. And for the present, i got a pretty green wallet from him, and i was so happy about that. 

In my age of 24th, i wish to my beloved Allah that i can be more religious, and be mature not like a girl anymore. and wishly i can finish my thesis this year and be a S.T, amiin
To all my friend who have saying birthday & prayer either on my facebook, twitter, sms and directly to me, thanks you soo much, alhadulillah jaza humullohu khoiro, best wishes too for all of you guy :)

Kamis, 26 April 2012

Panik vs Yoga

Untuk kali ini ingin rasanya nge post dgn menggunakan bahasa, karena udah mulai pegel juga pake english, dan my englih ya so - so aja, ga expert juga, hehehe..
Liat judul entry, sebenenya agak bingung mau ketak ketik apa, ingin rasanya bercerita sana - sini, ngalor - ngidul (halaaah apa ini yg gw bicarkan).
Kayakny seruu deyh yakh, ceritanya tentang Hp gw yg baru ajaaa ilang,,,iya ilang udah ga ada di gw lagi, sudah berpindah tangan ke org lain, tanpa seizin dan keikhlasan dari gw, tp karena gw adalah pasukannya Bondan and Fade two black jadi ya sudahlah, cuma bisa beristirja semoga bisa diganti dengan yang lebih baik dan barokah..amiiin..

Jadi begini kronologisnya kenapa tiba - tiba hp gw itu bisa berpindah tangan. Sesungguhnya bukan karena gw di hipnotis atau di todong secara langsung, tetapi melainkan karena kecerobohan gw sendiri, yang dengan selebornya taro tuh hp (yg baru gw pake selama 1,5 tahun) di sembarang tempat.
Tepatnya hari senin kemarin, seperti biasa yaitu jadwalnya nge-gym sehabis ngantor bersama angel, salah satu tmn kantor, setelah ber-haha hihi dijalan sampailah di salah satu mall di kawasan kelapa gading,abis markir trus kita berpisah angel ke centro buat cari kado dan gw jalan ke musholla dan menunaikan sholat magrib, setelah berdoa kemudian jalan lagi, baru lah gw sadar dimana hp gw (sambil rogoh2 tas dan kantong jaket), gw balik ke parkiran trs miscall tuh hp masih nyambung tp ga di angkat :(
Sumpaaah sejujurnya gw shock, tp gw itu bukan tipe seseorang yg histeris karena sesuatu hal, jadi gw calm down sebentar, gw inget2 lagi, tapi tetep aja ga inget gw taro mana th hp, balik ke musholla ga ada juga kesono,,huuuft bener2 short term memory bgt gw itu
Akhirnya gw berjalan lagi menuju tmpat gym buat ketemu angel, dengan berpikir "akhh palingan hp gw di angel, karena gw td taro sembarangan jd disimpenin sama angel", keren yah gw masih bisa positive thingking hahaha..sesampainya di g*ld gym pun gw sempet ganti baju krn angel blm nyampe, setelah ganti baju baru lah gw ketemu angel dan bercerita, dan ternyata apa???? HP gw ga ada di angel..huwaaaa disini bener2 deyh langsung terdengar lagunya bondan 'ya sudahlah' di otak gw, mau panik jg, udah telat, mau biasa aja tapi masa iya c gw keilangan hp tp masih stay cool aja, jd yg pertama gw lakukan adalah pinjem hp angel dan tlp papa dan my dhi, you know whattt,jawaban mrk sama boook, ya kalo udh ilang mau di apaiin,,(bener2 deyh ney calon mantu and mertua kompak beneer)

Kenyataannya skrg hp gw sudah bener2 pindah tangan, krn di tlp lagi pun sudah tidak aktif, huuh..
karena itulah gw jadi gw, dan berhubung udh di temat gy juga, yg awalnya pas pagi gw niat banget ikut kelas hip hop yg di gawangi oleh coach handal idaman gwe (halaaah), jadi lah gw ditarik sama angel buat ikutan kelas yoga, dan ini adalah pertama kalinya gw ikut kelas yoga pemirsaah
Antara galau, malas, innocent bercampur aduk dalam diri gw, yg gw inget banget dr kelas pertama yoga gw kata2 coachnya yaitu adalah pusatkan pikiran, buang semua energi negatif melalui pernafasan, dan hilangkan semua pikiran - pikiran yang membebankan diri, dalam hati ingin rasanya gw teriak, hello coach!!! could you tell me how to throw the problem of my mind??
1 jam ikutan kelas yoga, kesimpulan gw adalah gw masih ga bs berhenti mikirin tntang hp gw dan ini toh yg namanya yoga, ternyata lebih berkeringat dibandingkan gw ikutan kelas hip hop, dan efek dari kelas yoga ini, kaki gw pegel2 selama 2 hari karea harus kayang hampir 1 menit.

Doa gw kali ini "Ya Allah jika dengan hilangnya hp ku, adalah cara - Mu untuk menegur ku atas semua sikap ku yang belum bisa menjadi ahli syukur dan ahli shodakoh hingga saat ini, maka maafkan dan ampuni aku ya Allah, aku ikhlas dengan teguran - Mu ini, jadikanlah aku pribadi yang bisa lebih mensyukuri semua nikmat yang kau beri sekecil apapun itu, dan jadikanlah aku seseorang yang senang untuk bershodakoh dalam sabilillah karena sesungguhnya semua harta ini hanya titipan di dunia ini "

Sabtu, 24 Maret 2012

K-drama addict

Now i just really like to watch korean drama, hehehe..maybe i am too late but i really enjoy about all k - drama which i have seen. I love the k - drama actually because i like their story, who give me another adrenaline when i watch them, sometimes i can laugh loud or crying so bad because the storyline and of course i love their handsome star :p.
I just have one favorite synopsis when i watch k - drama, i like about story tell who rich guy like a ordinary girl, hehe,,sound soo classic and really fairy tale right?? but thats what i like, soo i just choose some drama which have synopsis like that.
Of all the drama that i have been watch, my favorite k - dramais Goong or Princess Hours, i love their story and Joo Ji Hoon absolutely :)

Goong is a story about young love in face of tradition, politics, and intrigue. In the imaginary world, modern-day Korea is a constitutional monarchy and the Royal Family lives in a grand Palace, the Goong. Story opens with the sudden death of the reigning the King. Faced with the decreasing popularity among the public for the Royalty, a grand wedding for the Crown Prince, Lee Shin, is decided to be the best publicity move to improve the image of the Royalty and at the same time prepare Shin for immediate succession. The intended bride is the headstrong, awkward, and sweet spirited Shin Chae Kyung that just happens to go to the same exclusive art school. Chae Kyung was betrothed to become the next Crown Princess by her grandfather and Shin's grandfather.

The man on the left side is Joo Ji Hoon, my favorite, i like his acting and his coolness :))

Sabtu, 18 Februari 2012

Love Story

I really like this video and song, and surely i love the 'UP' movie,,,,the best love story and adventure movie ever :)

Sabtu, 04 Februari 2012

My Papa Was 57th

That is my papa birthday cake with the post is "Sayang Papa, Karna Allah", his birthday on 12th January
Januari is my papa month's, because in this month, even my father was 57 years old.The number of points that I think for a lot of age, my papa is increasingly aging, the white hair was stout, his running is not as tight as before, his skin began to wrinkle but his affection to the family of increasingly large everyday.

My papa is a quiet kind of man, he did not talk much, but with a bit of behavior, we as a family began to familiar with all the body movements. My papa was also a lover of family man, he's always come first family, whatever that is. And of course my papa was a very stylish like me :))
He know about the branded cloth, bag, shoes n everything, and his taste is very good. My papa is a man who is very Salih, always industrious and a religious worship

At the age of 57 this, my father did not expect much, he just hopes that his family always blessed with happiness, and all her children were given the success of the world and the Hereafter.

 me - papa

 me - papa - dini (my sister)

alfan - papa - ical (my 2 brother)

We just celebrate my papa's birthday with have lunch in Sate Khas Senayan. And papa was happy with the cake, that is awesome for him, he really know that his family love him too, as much as he love his family :)

As a first daughter, i just wish for my papa, I hope in this present age he can always be given the blessing of health, given a loose time to always pray, always be smooth and successful at work. and of course always happy world hereafter



Minggu, 08 Januari 2012

Meet Giska

Actually in the first day in 2011, that mean 1 Januari, i have trip to Cimahi, a city near Bandung.
I just have one reason to go there, because i really miss my nephew is Giska Intania Perwendha, i call her dede giska :)
In fact giska is not my nephew birth, but she is my friend's daughter, namely Ana and Dido Perwendha.

First time i see dede giska, when she's age still 2 month, she was really cutie baby i ever seen, her skin soo white and smooth, and her face slightly to the japanese babies with the small eyes like his mom 'Ana', Can you imagine that?!! how was cutie she are :)
And yesterday when I met dede giska, she's been nearly 8 months, and now she is learning to eat other than ASI. In her ages now she can sit up, face down, roll over and learn to walk. I am so happy can meet her with all the progress that she made. But one habbit she have is "BEGADANG", yaaah dede giska always sleep late at night, and even most over time early morning. So when in the morning on our way to Taman Kupu - Kupu Cihanjuag, she's always asleep, and wake up when reached our destination, hehe...
Here some photos with dede giska and ana in Taman Kupu - Kupu

Me - Dede Giska - Ana

After have holiday in Taman Kupu - Kupu, is time for me to go Jakarta, back to my routine activities, so dede giska and Ana delivered me to BTC (Bandung Trade Centre) for get travel in there.
One night and one day with dede giska is soo special and fun, i can't forget her smile for me.
Love giska :*

Rabu, 04 Januari 2012

Hand Made

Dewi Indriany proudly present, specially for muda - mudi Podomoro, Jakarta Pusat :)

Created by me, enjoy guys!!!

Welcome 2012!!!

Happy new year 2012 everybody..
Alhamdulillah, i can passed the 2011 with some achievement  which i can get for my self. Hopefully for 2012, i can do better than yesterday
Some goal that i can be reached in 2011 is (not to be smug)
  • Get a promotion in my work
  • Get better IP for my lecture
  • Get approval for preparation the thesis
  • Have the owned mountain bike
  • To be more girlie :)
And many more, which i can't describe, but i really happy and proud of it.

For this new year i have a new resolution too, and i will put it in this entry, soo that if one day i have tired and bored with my life, i can read this entry and remember what i must to be get and catchto grow my ownself to be a better person.

  • Have a next step with my dhi for our relationship. (*read = married) amiin
  • Have graduated my college and be a S.T (Sarjana Teknik)
  • Have a bussines (i want to try be entrepreneur)
  • Can be a supervisor in work
  • Have travel aboard for free :)
  • With brother to realized, a new motorcycle for my dad
  • Maintain my body to be more healthy
  • FAT LOSS about 10 kg (semangat!!!)

For My Religion
  • Have senin - kamis fasting, at least once a week
  • Have sholat tasbih, at least once a month
  • Increase sadaqah
  • Have sholat tahajud and 1/3 malam, at least once a week
  • Have sholat dhuha, at least once a week
  • Have to read al - quran at least two pages after every prayer/sholat maghrib

 I wish, i can get all of that my resolution for 2012, hopefully this year can be better year for me and all of you guys :)