
Minggu, 02 Oktober 2011

The Late Cake

Taraaaaa.....this the (*late) birthday cake for my dhi :)

ya,,ya,,ya,,actually my dhi has birthday on 27 sept, but because of some reason, we could celebrate today and only just two of us. Soo we just celebrate it at one of burger shop in Cempaka Putih, and enjoy some pieces of his birthday cake.
Initially we wanted to celebrate at a seafood restaurant, but because of service in the restaurant was very unpleasant ,soo we went and moved to a burger shop.

Actually my dhi is the one who did not much like celebrating a birthday party, but for this moment, i really want to celebrate his birthday with the small cake and some hope that we say together

In his age of 24, I just want to ask Allah SWT to always keep him in happy and sad, always give him a lot of healthy and blessing. And be sure to always keep his hearts and affection just for me, and all the best wishes for you my dhi :)

'best wishes for you'

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